
Black and White Lone Pigeon

lone pigeon by rubys polaroid

I was honoured 2 days ago by being invited by lucile de godoy to join her in a 5 stories-5 photos Black and White Challenge, this is my first post in this week long series.
This photo is one of my lucky shots, walking by a neighbour’s fence this friendly lil guy flaps down and is curious when i bring out my camera, even allowing me to come pretty close. He posed for a good close up and flew up, hovering for a moment then he was off.
I’ve always wondered what in their mind when the turn to look as we fumble with our camera to take pictures, they are always aware. Rarely birds are caught off guard by watching photographers.

lone pigeon by rubys polaroid
lone pigeon

For day 1, I’d like to invite my fellow photo-blogger Martin Dzurjaník at Almost Monochrome World to join me in this challenge. His posts rendered in Monochrome are Black and White gems. They evoke emotions that i thought where reserved for colour strewn shots.

The rules of the 5 Photos-5 Stories challenge are:

1) To post a photo every day for 5 days
2) To write a story to accompany your photo for 5 days (this can be fiction or non-fiction, a page, a paragraph or a poem)
3) To nominate a different person each day

Join me for this week long series and if you feel inspired to go monochrome, join me 🙂  .

6 thoughts on “Black and White Lone Pigeon

  1. He truly posed for you Ruby! Great!
    I am sorry I missed your first entries. I had a heck of week and had to choose between posting or later reading and commenting. Apologies.
    I am very happy you joined the challenge and brought, as always, stunning photos.

    Liked by 1 person

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