
Reward of Patience

Golden Dragonfly upclose by rubyspolaroid

The rewards of patience are boundless but mine today is this very clear shot of a golden dragonfly. Not an easy feat being that i don’t use a zoom lens so i have to be uber close and still to get a great shot. This dragonfly was really patient with me yesterday allowing me multiple awesome shots but I’ll be sharing one today, *wink* stay tuned for the rest.
This is a post in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge themed REWARD.
To see more of my Dragonfly shots click HERE.

Golden Dragonfly upclose by rubyspolaroid
Golden Dragonfly

44 thoughts on “Reward of Patience

  1. ditto the comments by everyone already here! if you have any cool shots of bees or bee related stuff (like dripping honey, bees busy bullying others 😉 ) i would love to use one for a post. no worries, if you don’t. just wanted to ask.

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